OK, so I know a discussion about fruit isn't really anybody's idea of excitement, but I had to post these pictures anyway. This is a starfruit, and I think it may be the cutest little piece of fruit I have ever seen. I have never even seen or heard of this fruit before we came to St. Kitts, so I had to pick one off a tree to at least try. And I have 2 other things to say about this interesting topic. First of all, I think it is so amazing that we live our lives in our element and our own culture, and if we never travel or see any other part of the world, we will never know of the different people, foods, clothing, traditions, culture, etc. that exist.
Secondly, I have a question for you, readers of our blog. Is it just me? Have you ever seen or heard of or eaten a starfruit before? And if not, I will put my pitch in that I do often to friends and family. Anyone is welcome to come visit us here in St. Kitts and see another part of the world, and taste this cute fruit.