Saturday, November 13, 2010

Big boy adventures

Adrian and five of his buddies left early this morning for their first "deep sea fishing excursion." They caught 3 fish that they dragged over to our house afterward to cut up and freeze, so you know me- been busy since then disinfecting the kitchen. They caught 1 wahoo and 2 mahi mahi and estimate that they brought home about 60 lbs. of beheaded and deboned fish that we are going to split 6 ways. So now the search begins for the perfect fish recipe!

Here is Brennan and Payton's school as viewed from a "deep sea fishing vessel."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

October 31st

You wouldn't know it because they don't celebrate the holiday here, but we actually had quite a few little Halloween events to attend. And, we scored on candy- we got more here than any other Halloween I can remember in recent years. Thanks in part to those Ross Veterinary students who have a love for animals and also an affinity for children. I think they must plan for and bring candy with them from the States, because the "norm" here is not what we are accustomed to seeing in the States at every grocery store and corner gas station. Here in St. Kitts, there is not a lot of candy available for purchase, and what they have is expensive (about $1.75 US for a candy bar), and the worst part is, what chocolate they have is oftentimes opened up to reveal a white powder- from being too old, previously melted, etc. So a good piece of candy is a rare commodity!

Hope your Halloween was fun and delicious and powdery-chocolate-free!