Saturday, September 27, 2008

We found Payton's shoe again! And the pacifier! And the 409! And the sippy cup! And the medicine cap! And Brennan's shoes!

As stated before in an earlier post (see here), it is so exciting to run to the bathroom in the 15 free seconds that you have while taking care of little children, and spend 10 of those 15 seconds fishing something or another out of the toilet.  Seriously, you would think that we would learn a lesson sometime soon....


Burt Family said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! I'm laughing so hard right now!!! Not just at the fact that you posted all these pictures Adrian told you not to, but also at Morgan's comment....she saw the picture of the pacifiers and said "UHHHH, why are Damon's pacifiers in the toilet?" Maybe that was the secret hiding spot...LOL I guess next time we can't find one we will know to check the toilet. I'm still laughing by the way!!!!

Kirkhams said...

The toilet makes the perfect hiding place for stuff...why don't I do that with scissors, make up and knives? I have no idea why "the John" is such an attraction to kids. Probably because at any given moment they have free standing water to play in.

I love sleeping baby pics too! Their lips and cheeks just droop so cute!

The Katy Daileys said...

Motherhood! Isn't it wonderful while so frustrating? Cute pictures (sorry, I am a blog stalker and found yours through the Millers). These are great shots of the toilet!

Kristin said...

Damon is a busy boy! But how can you get too upset with him when he is so darn cute!! Too funny!

Janene said...

That is HILARIOUS! Okay, who's the culprit? :) We're excited to see you guys SOON!