Sunday, August 10, 2008

Not your everyday occurrence....

Here is the first of probably a few posts about things that are not your everyday occurrences, at least not for those of you back home in the U.S. Not a big deal, just something humorous that we would never think to happen.  Last night we were in town and made a point of going to the gas station so that we wouldn't have to go on Sunday morning before church.  After filling up with $30 worth (which bought less than 2 gallons of gas- do not be alarmed, this 2 gallons cost  approximately $11. U.S. dollars) the gas station attendant (you do not pump your own gas here) told us that was all we could get, that they had run out of gas. He said the truck would probably come in the middle of the night and there would be gas again in the morning.  We had to laugh.  

1 comment:

Burt Family said...

Was that the shell station closest to Rams? That would explain why there was such a line at the other gas stations. Still funny, we haven't had that one happen to us.